charges sovereignty order cabinet taliban The word Taliban is Pashto, ?????? ?aliban, meaning "students", the plural of ?alib. This is a loan word from Arabic ???? ?alib,[15] plus the Indo-Iranian plural ending -an ?? (the Arabic plural being ???? ?ullab, whereas ?????? ?aliban is a dual form with the incongruous meaning, to Arabic speakers, of "two students"). Since becoming a loanword in English, Taliban, besides a plural noun referring to the group, has also been used as a singular noun referring to an individual. For example, John Walker Lindh has been referred to as "an American Taliban" rather than "an American Talib". In the English language newspapers of Pakistan the word talibans is often used when referring to more than one taliban. The spelling 'Taliban' has come to predominate over 'Taleban' in English.[16] student charitygrowth
increase inflation Andy_Hamilton Hi guys. I'm Andy from the Icehouse... Don Muang elevator pitch "the business in growing" "the business is inflating" Boston_Brahmins bisnis fuzzy wuzzys company tax tax_haven economic_growth University_as_agent_of_urbanization School_as_unproductive_activity. Not_producing_a_product holiday unemployment competetion plant_growth fertile fertliser practice post VC free lala Nigel_Latta hongkey half_caste half_caste_syndrome dad_rock dad_band joy_division_dad_rock bob_dylan_dad_rock sucked_in_daddy_dad_rock board minister_of_culture body the_too_hard_basket industry commission fast accent bank corrupt gross domestic product (shouldn't it be gross domestic product per year?) sex prostitution trade exchange slash_and_burn infrastructure termination_charges credit asean debt credit degree Than_Shwe disease fly aspiration national labour crown payroll parole computer_chip FGM female genital mutilation AGM annual general meeting housing_boom platform kofapalung Phylogenetic_tree naturalization oil lost_in_translation p flat Bill English pay_the_bill_gates mine competetion best_practice industry Recession sex_with_no_reproductive_outcome self_interest team/group_interest prison prisoner slave weekend sir I'm_not_paying_for_it union league local_hero the_child_vote if_it_ain't_broke_don't_fix_it reinvent_the_wheel OED kiwi kiwi_flavoured dictator kiwi__music sun_go_down_way multi_sectorial Rosemary Kennedy lung cancer transperancybelt_tightning
too_hot_too_handle tribeless_network pirate_wealth euthanasia ANNEX 1 countries airforce one...central casting soft_porn_call_centre sweet_spot american_accounting access_to_the_kernel C UNIX publishing licensing opposistion pre_ranked FTP Maungakiekie one_tree_hill_needs_some_sort_of_tree a phylogentic tree the executive branch software_waste PDI personal_development_index school greek for leisure staying_in_the_leisure unicode womad weapons of mass destruction te_o bring_and_buy_for_Kampuche acid what kind of hippies the waawaawaa four square soccer owned over_populationblood_bank
lest Herb_Greenvaginal_mechanics
marijuana_mental illness_marley_bob weak_dispirited_people class_action DSIR Ethiopia_Eritrea_virtual_border Eastward ho 250 thousand Hmong in Laos 10 thousand in the forests subsitence scientific_socialism Millie_Elder see_facts Aung San Su kyi head wobile seconds 32-39 public order and security defence security panasonic a moveable feast aidid Babylon senatorsgovernors
the art of war erecibo Guangxi urban_Maori peer_pressure the parliament of world religions ALEX A L E X A L E X A L E X A L E X A L E X A L E X maori television, maori television fame famine defaming obesity subject If all this stuff on the internet is free, why all these suxers writing it? object Transylvania Bela Bartok Dicken Medal confidential pidgeon service New Zealand pidgeon service Pigeon post Pigeon Post house NZ NZ pigeon post safety educator fresher: you know we're poor, but we got fists Telkom 89s 89s 89s all TWENTY drug development New chemical entities they are not really students of trash at all retardists Augen Taiwan on protracted war Cotton unhappy books Rwanda: Burundi: Cambodia documentation Mao Zedong :Norodom Sihanouk :Saloth Sar Siem Reap: Angkor : Phnom Penh : City new majority music touring circuits:circuit Aa: circuit Bb: circuit Cc suxed in slavery: meat production: importation of labourers ALL February 12, 1809 rich dad, poor dad 2003 maori t.v. : eri tv As of May 6, 2008 Eritrea is the most expensive place in the world to buy fuel. At $9.58 per gallon, gasoline is 85˘ a gallon higher than in the next most expensive country, Norway casey,,,,casey casin psued phenylephrine Follic acid The unfortunate experiment Sudbury schools Sudbury valley school: (actually looks quite sus...) what's up with this cage farming fellows country pumpkins 42 bellow:sea4:vodafone:pacific blue:mazda:steinlager:rianz papillon:prison Ocean pastoral care post cap in hand sense Japanese Invasion of Thailand Thai WWII world war chemistry elements Chemistry units In Eritrea currently, almost a quarter of the country’s most productive land remains unoccupied because of the lingering effects of the 1998–2000 war with Ethiopia clan labs asylum Arab: Palistine ; Eritrea:Persia tax : Thaksin Arabic language de-cowing Murupara through the construction of sculpture and temple parks Africa the word Maori:Somalia its a heaps bigger word than that GICSN world fact Issan coup riskometer Korean political punch up United States: Australia: Britain: Burma NZ High Commision in New Delhi the dergs the dergs the dergs the dergs the dergs the dergs the dergs the dergs the dergs the dergs the dergs the dergs the dergs the dergs the dergs the dergs d board V board Amharic dictionary the community Jimmy Carter energy talk P.I. monster the rise of death cults south eastern china toy factory 1949 air crash Mao Zedong the basis of chinese socialism rests on Darwin and his theory of evolution terra firma : terrorist 1949 infrastructure NZ rule book the rule book: the crime: processing the crime Television Television SOEs NZ vacuum tube GW 212 ki wi force:power:electricity medicine:war rocket fuel Lin Biao Manchu Qing dynasty centres of free speech double function over population good : industry : production music production the 1 clear winner gang of four Jiang Qing dynasty 1911 french polynesia bowie : kolkata I'v been talking to my tape recorder tapes European languages: English : French : Russian clams : claims : middle clasessness : China : New Zealand : USA growth rate : damage rate Greg Mortenson tax payers: profits from state owned enterprise school : pre school Marco Polo Pangong Tso WINZ : SPDC anti competitive behaviour : Aksai Chin United Polynesian Language wiki news paper Tuhoe nation Serj Tankian was born on August 21, 1967, to an Armenian family in Beirut, Lebanon. He and his family emigrated to Los Angeles in 1975.[1] Although Tankian disliked school, he maintained a 4.0 grade average.[4] ICR (Intensive care room) : ICU (Islamic courts union) teachers pet Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR) the import educator suburbs infrastructure car pool collectives Mc Cain in Vietnam theyareallgodschildren the road ahead the road ahead the road ahead Obama: Thailand 1859 middle classeness Condoleezza Rice the slave experience super market bio : lingua USA : China : USA : USB elements of speech compensated dating New Zealand : China China map crime stoppers Paul Julius Reuter death row 1966-1969 the cultural revolution the tacpac China: Korea, China, Mongolia, Turmenestein, Pakistan, India, Burma, Laos, Vietnam, Japan the best student 1976-1988 African American 40.7 million[1] 13.5% of the total U.S. populationAfrican American 40.7 million[1] 13.5% of the total U.S. populationAfrican American 40.7 million[1] 13.5% of the total U.S. population Mongolia cancer lung cancer bad cancer story Racial profiling ascii chin acsii chin business method patents NZ economy Bletchley park nuclear test sites Khmer Rouge national anthem Mekong Pyotr Kuzmich Kozlov Sven Hedin Aurel Stein laos : mongolia Sarin Chemical weapons equity Confucain:Confussion planet FM----------------------------------------------- OCR trade weighted index Abduction of Japanese by Korea Koreans in Japan caring town:kaE(ng)taon the friends of oakley creek cats Qinzang railway texas instruments speak and spell AMCO AMCO AMCO AMCO AMCO AMCO AMCO Xinjiang Thai rocket festival sky:sky:sky China consulate Telecom Charles Chalais Zhuang Chinese character reviews first Chinese emperor Khmer Krom a community; Auckland Down syndrome Bosnia war Internation corporation for assigned names and numbers non profit organization Yakla Xinjiang Malay Emergency home school networks NZ A school governance : government Commisions in NZ which should be decommisioned NZ govt. . Doesn't look very concise to me insanity/paranoia : access to information Plain English from the NZ govt. Kiwi centre aggressively normal Yugoslavia Glagolitic alphabet Pin Peat Cambodian Cultural centre Sapa Pai Paraglide Thai not for profit, human capital capitalists Tracey Tawhiao Mloptapang CCTV : CCTV : CCTV Dari :Pashto : Afghanistan Montana wines Lion Nathan APN media :Fairfax media Some schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan Tertiary, the new secondary, education in New Zealand Slumdog dreaming Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail RHE group Rishikesh Bangladesh Population - 2009 estimate 162,221,000[2] (7th) Fatima Jibrell minute 2:27 Jigme Wangchuck Gyalwang Drukpa New Zealand total area 268,680 km2 (75th) 103,738 sq mi Human population 4,315,800[1] 2nd est=4,266,000[2] (122nd) age concern Counties Manukau Toyota ING Army population : boat people in the time of Muldoon It just keeps on coming IP IT and so on... Giles Ungpakorn Rockets Rocket Festival Mae Salong Tax farming A list of Thai prime ministers Execution of Thai Royalty Founder of Thai education system United Wa State Army Paid for by profits from state owned enterprises and the tax payer Thaksin in Cambodia Recording Industry Association of New Zealand (RIANZ) CEO Campbell Smith wrote to the judge to say that he could "vouch for [the man's] good character without question". David Davis "The music industry is run by has beens, squares, and part time Christians" CRS Colour Revolution court triage Sharif University of Technology Assembly of Experts Mangere refugee education revolutions of 1989 Auckland Police He googled me the Daw Aung San Su kyi suisociety Brian Edwards media John Key: Crosby Textor Heather Simpson UN inner city press The Toyota way this young rationalist cultural revolution Stasi International labour organisation KMT in Burma RAMSI: Solomon Islands Paul Henry: John Banks Kesang Takla 'unjust university rules' $800 000 000 NZ Marijuna GICSN_Student loans in New Zealand Five races under one union Languages of China Tuakau district news Red corridor AIT: AUT I suspect a few key people [from the Burmese military] who make the decisions, they have decided that this is an existential thing for them. If they’re out, it’s not just the country and the government has changed, but 'where do I go?' and 'which jail will I be in?' and my children and my jewels and my billions? —Lee Hsein Loong, the prime minister of Singapore Dana Rohrabacher Dana Rohrabacher founding of modern Singapore United Nations Security Council Total Defence Super camp UN south to south Burma road a bob both ways school in Varanasi UN security council Thomas Bleming Prostitution NZ Baburam Bhattarai sucking eggs agencies within the U.N. Basic words of International language next 350 words economic growth: plant growth U.S. Intelligence agencies trust the international community synthetic_milk Prefixes Suffixes Xinhua News Agency Chinese News Service